By Isabelle Z.
GM nightmare unfolds: Humans have created a MONSTER MOSQUITO that can now RESIST the pesticides meant to kill them
Getting bit by mosquitoes is never fun, and it can be downright deadly if they happen to be carrying diseases like malaria. Mankind’s quest to keep this nuisance under control, however well-meaning it may be, appears to have had the opposite of its intended effect as a new study shows how mosquitoes have evolved a […]
By Robert Jonathan
CYBER BIOLOGY: Scientists use biological DNA to hack a computer system in world’s first biology-to-silicon hacking demonstration
In something along the lines of an early warning, researchers at the Seattle-based University of Washington claim that they can hack into a computer with a small strand of DNA. The experts presented their findings about a potential DNA malware infection experiment at last week’s 26th USENIX Security Symposium in Vancouver. The Daily Mail summarized the results of […]
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