FBI now working for Monsanto, prosecuting ‘Chinese seed spies’ under national security laws for digging up the biotech firm’s toxic seeds

Northern Iowa cornfield is the location, but it’s not Shoeless Joe that farmers are looking for. It’s Chinese spies intent on digging up their GMO seed.

GovtSlaves.info reports, “Tim Burrack, a northern Iowa farmer in his 44th growing season, has taken to keeping a wary eye out for unfamiliar vehicles around his 300 acres of genetically modified corn seeds.

“Along with other farmers in this vast agricultural region, he has upped his vigilance ever since Mo Hailong and six other Chinese nationals were accused by U.S. authorities in 2013 of digging up seeds from Iowa farms and planning to send them back to China.”

This case drew special attention, according to the Wall Street Journal, “for the government’s rare use of a U.S. antispying law to prosecute alleged trade-secrets theft.”

WSJ’s Jacob Bunge reports, “Hailong, 46, pleaded guilty in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa to participating in a long-running plot to steal genetically pure corn seeds developed by U.S. agribusiness giants Monsanto Co. & DuPont Co. At the time of his arrest in December 2013, Mr. Mo … was a director of international business for Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group Co., a Beijing-based agriculture company that runs a seed division.

“The government alleged Mr. Mo was the U.S.-based ringleader of a group of several Chinese accomplices who cruised corn fields in Iowa and Illinois in search of seed company test fields, where they removed seeds and corn. The group  attempted to ship and smuggle seeds and corn kernels back to China, sometimes hidden inside boxes of Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn, according to U.S. authorities.”

There’s been no link established between Mr. Mo and the Chinese government. But there has been a vigorous debate on the safety of GMO foods in China, and the public has not fully embraced the technology. GMO grain is imported for animal feed and there are research test plots where GMO crops can be grown locally with caveats. No GMO seed is allowed, although Chem China’s $44 billion dollar offer for seed and chemical giant Sygenta is a clear indication of Chinese interest in GMO technology.

Senator Chuck Grassley is concerned, as reported in The Financial Times:

“‘Because the food and agriculture sectors are part of the nation’s critical infrastructure this merger raises questions about the potential national security implications,’ the veteran senator told an Iowa radio station.

While Syngenta is Swiss-owned, its biotech division is based in the U.S. and is a big player in the U.S. and international markets for genetically-modified seeds, a technology that Beijing has long coveted as it faces the challenge of guaranteeing its own food security.”

GMOs have nothing to do with food security, or more nutritious food, or healthy food, nor feeding the world. They are a technological product for control and domination of the food supply, thus depopulation.

Monsanto is unabashedly proud of their soil and gut killing technology, which is touted as “safe” and “substantially equivalent” to all the other DNA man has been eating for a few thousand years. But if it’s natural, and just like everything else, why is it different enough to have a patent? And we know that Monsanto keeps tabs on it’s own farmers – cause it’s against the patent law that has been so diabolically woven into the fabric of agriculture. Read Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear, from Vanity Fair circa 2008.

Seems to me if anybody should be gathering seeds, they ought to be heirloom, organic and open pollinated. Fortunately, that’s not illegal, yet.









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